

Namespace: PPJ.Runtime.Vis

Assembly: PPJ.Runtime.Vis.49 (

public class VisOutlineListBox : TreeView, ISalWindow, ISalControl, ISalListControl



Default Constructor.



Boolean: Enabled/Disables automatic drag operations. (Default: True)


SalNumber: Multiple Inheritance: Wrapper property.


SalNumber: Multiple Inheritance: Wrapper property.


Boolean: Shows/Hides the horizontal scrollbar. Supported starting from Common Controls v. 5.80 (Default: True)


SalNumber: Multiple Inheritance: Wrapper property.


SalNumber: Multiple Inheritance: Wrapper property.


Size: Gets or sets the default size for the node images. (Default: "16, 16")


Control: Returns/Sets the label associated with this control.


SalNamedProperties: Returns the collection of named properties.


SalNumber: Multiple Inheritance: Wrapper property.


SalNumber: Multiple Inheritance: Wrapper property.


SalNumber: Multiple Inheritance: Wrapper property.


SalNumber: Multiple Inheritance: Wrapper property.


SalNumber: Multiple Inheritance: Wrapper property.


SalNumber: Multiple Inheritance: Wrapper property.


TreeNode[]: Returns the collection of all selected nodes.


SelectionMode: Returns/Sets the selection mode. (Default: One)


SalString: Multiple Inheritance: Wrapper property.


Boolean: Determines whether the control uses the StateImageList or the default ImageList to render the node images. When using the StateImageList, nodes without a specific image are left aligned without any icon. When using the default ImageList, nodes without an image show the default first image in the list.


AddColor(text, color)

Adds an item to the list and displays it in the specified color.

Returns: SalNumber.

AddColorValue(text, color, value)

Adds an item to the list, displays it in the specified color and associates the specified value with the item.

Returns: SalNumber.

AddFont(text, hFont)

Adds an item to the list control and displays it in the specified font.

Returns: SalNumber.

AddFontValue(text, hFont, value)

Adds a new item with the specified font and value.

Returns: SalNumber.


Adds a string to a list box or combo box.

Returns: SalNumber.

AddPicture(text, picNormal, picSelect)

Adds an item to the list control and specified an image for the normal and selected state.

Returns: SalNumber.

AddPictureValue(text, picNormal, picSelect, value)

Adds an item to the list control and specified an image for the normal and selected state, and a value to associate with the item.

Returns: SalNumber.


Brings a window to the top of all overlapping windows.

Returns: SalBoolean.


Centers a window. If the window is a top-level window, it centers it on the desktop. If the window is a child window, it centers it on top of its parent.

Returns: SalBoolean.


Clears the value from a data field, multi line field, or table window column.

Returns: SalBoolean.


Clears a window's cursor.

Returns: SalBoolean.


Deletes all entries from a list box or combo box.

Returns: SalBoolean.


Collapses all descendant items.

Returns: SalBoolean.


Deletes the child item from the tree control.

Returns: SalNumber.


Deletes all descendants (children, grandchildren, and so on) of the specified child.

Returns: SalNumber.


Deletes a list box or combo box entry.

Returns: SalNumber.

Demote(index, picNormal, picSelect)

Moves an item and all descendants right in the outline by making the item become the last child of the previous sibling.

Returns: SalBoolean.


Destroys a form window, a top-level table window, or a modeless dialog box created with SalCreateWindow.

Returns: SalBoolean.

DisableItem(index, color)

Disables the specified item.

Returns: SalNumber.


Disables keyboard and mouse input to a window. If the window contains text (for example, a push button), the text is grayed. If the window is a data field, it cannot receive the focus.

Returns: SalBoolean.


Disables keyboard and mouse input to a window and grays out its associated label. A label is the label control that immediately precedes the window in the outline. The label control must have a mnemonic. If the window contains text (for example, a push button), the text is grayed. If the window is a data field, it cannot receive the focus.

Returns: SalBoolean.

DoDragDrop(sourceIndex, target, targetIndex, dropMode)

Moves the source item to the new location, providing support for dragging tree items.

Returns: SalBoolean.

EnableItem(index, color)

Enables the specified item.

Returns: SalNumber.


Enables keyboard and mouse input to a window.

Returns: SalBoolean.


Enables keyboard and mouse input to a window and enables its associated label as well. A label is the label control that immediately precedes the window in the outline.

Returns: SalBoolean.

EnumChildren(hItem, hItems)

Enumerates child item handles for a specified item.

Returns: SalNumber.

EnumDescendents(hItemParent, hItems)

Enumerates descendant (children, grandchildren, and so on) item handles for a specified item.

Returns: SalNumber.


Expands an outline one level at the index specified.

Returns: SalNumber.


Displays all descendants of an item.

Returns: SalBoolean.


This function finds a child window of a given name in the specified window.

Returns: SalWindowHandle.

FindItemValue(hItem, value)

Finds the item with the specified value in the descendants of the specified node.

Returns: SalNumber.

FormUnitsToPixels(formUnits, vertical)

Computes the number of pixels in the number of form units. Form units are a unit of measurement used by functions which move and position objects. Form units are computed using physical units (pixels) in conjunction with the window's font size.

Returns: SalNumber.


Frees memory for the item specified and for all its descendants.

Returns: SalBoolean.


Frees memory for all descendants of the item specified.

Returns: SalBoolean.

Returns the control associated with the handle.

Returns: VisOutlineListBox.

GetChildNodeCount(hItem, directChildrenOnly)

Gets the number of children for a specified item.

Returns: SalNumber.


Return the name of a window's class as a string.

Returns: SalString.


Returns the current color of the list item.

Returns: SalNumber.


Returns an object's type.

Returns: SalNumber.


Returns a data field's or table window column's data type.

Returns: SalNumber.


Returns the handle of the first child window of the specified type. You can use this function to get the handles of MDI child windows.

Returns: SalWindowHandle.


Returns the item's flags.

Returns: SalNumber.

GetFont(name, size, enhancement)

Returns: SalBoolean.


Returns the current font of the list control item.

Returns: SalNumber.

GetIndexFromPoint(xPos, yPos)

Returns the index of the item at the indicated screen coordinates.

Returns: SalNumber.


Retrieves the color associated with an outline item.

Returns: SalNumber.

GetItemData(hItem, text, value, itemFlags)

Returns: SalBoolean.


Returns the items's flags.

Returns: SalNumber.


Retrieves the font associated with an outline item.

Returns: SalNumber.


Retrieves the item handle based on an index specified.

Returns: SalNumber.


Retrieves the index associated with an outline item based on an item handle.

Returns: SalNumber.

GetItemPicture(hItem, picNormal, picSelect)

Returns: SalBoolean.


Returns the text for the outline item.

Returns: SalString.


Returns the value saved with the outline item.

Returns: SalNumber.


Retrieves the window handle of the label (label control) that is associated with the hWndTarget parameter. There must be a mnemonic in that label, and it must immediately precede hWndTarget in the outline, or this function will fail.

Returns: SalWindowHandle.

GetLabelText(sText, nMaxLength)

Returns: SalNumber.


Retrieves the text of the label associated to a control. Important: The label control does not require a mnemonic for the functions listed above to operate.

Returns: SalString.


Returns the indentation level of the specified item.

Returns: SalNumber.


Returns the number of list box or combo box entries.

Returns: SalNumber.


Determines whether the specified list box or combo box entry is selected.

Returns: SalBoolean.

GetListItemText(nIndex, sText)

Returns: SalNumber.


Returns the text of the specified item.

Returns: SalString.


Returns the length of a list box or combo box entry.

Returns: SalNumber.


Returns the index of the selected entry in a combo box or single-selection list box.

Returns: SalNumber.


Returns an array of index numbers of selected list box entries.

Returns: SalBoolean.


Returns the number of selected entries in a multiple-selection list box. Specify single- or multiple-selection in the list box's customizer.

Returns: SalNumber.

GetLocation(x, y)

Returns: SalBoolean.


Returns: SalBoolean.


Gets the name of an object.

Returns: SalString.


Returns the handle of the next child window that matches a specified type.

Returns: SalWindowHandle.


Retrieves the item handle for the next sibling of the specified item.

Returns: SalNumber.


Returns the handle of an object's parent window.

Returns: SalWindowHandle.


Retrieves the item handle for the parent of the specified item.

Returns: SalNumber.

GetPicture(index, picNormal, picSelect)

Returns: SalNumber.


Retrieves the item handle for the previous sibling of the specified item.

Returns: SalNumber.

GetProperty(name, value)

Returns: SalBoolean.


Gets the value of a named property.

Returns: SalString.


Returns the handle for the root node.

Returns: SalNumber.

GetSize(width, height)

Returns: SalBoolean.


Returns the style flags for the control.

Returns: SalNumber.

GetText(sText, nMaxLen)

Returns: SalNumber.


Retrieves the text of a window.

Returns: SalString.

GetTextRectangle(index, top, left, bottom, right)

Returns: SalBoolean.


Gets a window's color.

Returns: SalNumber.


Returns a window's current state.

Returns: SalNumber.


Hides a window.

Returns: SalBoolean.


Hides a window and its associated label.

Returns: SalBoolean.

InsertColor(index, text, color)

Inserts an item to the list control at the specified position and displays it in the specified color.

Returns: SalNumber.

InsertColorValue(index, text, color, value)

Inserts an item to the list control at the specified position, displays it in the specified color and associates the specified value to the item.

Returns: SalNumber.

InsertFont(index, text, hFont)

Adds an item to a list control at the specified index and displays it in the specified font.

Returns: SalNumber.

InsertFontValue(index, text, hFont, value)

Adds an item to the list control, displays it in the specified font, and associates the specified value with the item.

Returns: SalNumber.

InsertListItem(nIndex, sAdd)

Inserts an entry into a list box or combo box at a specified position.

Returns: SalNumber.

InsertPicture(index, text, picNormal, picSelect)

Inserts an item at the specified position and specifies an image for the normal and selected state.

Returns: SalNumber.

InsertPictureValue(index, text, picNormal, picSelect, value)

Inserts an item at the specified position and specifies an image for the normal and selected state, and associates a value to the item.

Returns: SalNumber.


Causes a window to be repainted.

Returns: SalBoolean.


Determines whether a window is an instance of the specified class.

Returns: SalBoolean.


Determines whether a window is enabled for mouse and keyboard input.

Returns: SalBoolean.


Returns the setting of the Field Edit Flag for a data field, multi line field, combo box, table window's context row cell, or picture.

Returns: SalBoolean.


Determines whether a window is currently visible.

Returns: SalBoolean.


Destroys an object's system timer.

Returns: SalBoolean.

LoadChild(hItemParent, picNormal, picSelect, text, value, itemFlags)

Inserts an item as the last child of the specified parent.

Returns: SalNumber.

LoadChildren(hItemParent, picNormal, picSelect, text, values, itemFlags)

Inserts multiple items as the last children of the specified parent item.

Returns: SalNumber.

LoadChildren(hItemParent, picNormal, picSelect, text, values, itemFlags)

Inserts multiple items as the last children of the specified parent item.

Returns: SalNumber.


Deserializes the entire outline tree from the specified string.

Returns: SalNumber.

LoadOutlineFile(fileName, picParentNormal, picParentSelect, picChildNormal, picChildSelect)

Loads the serialized outline structure from the file and creates the new items as children of the specified node.

Returns: SalNumber.

LoadSibling(hItemBefore, picNormal, picSelect, text, value, itemFlags)

Loads a new tree node as a sibling of the specified item.

Returns: SalNumber.


Moves the specified item down one position in the tree.

Returns: SalBoolean.


Moves an item and its descendants up in the list.

Returns: SalBoolean.

MoveWindow(nXOffset, nYOffset)

Moves a window a given number of form units on the X and Y axes relative to its current position.

Returns: SalBoolean.

PixelsToFormUnits(nNumPixels, bVertical)

Computes the number of form units based on the number of pixels. Form units are a unit of measurement used by functions that move and position objects. Form units are computed using physical units (pixels) in conjunction with a window's font sizes.

Returns: SalNumber.

PopulateList(hSql, sSelect)

Populates a list box or combo box with a result set. SalListPopulate overrides any settings made with SalListSetTabs. If the SELECT statement returns data from multiple columns, each column's data displayed in a list box is separated by tabs. However, due to a Microsoft Windows limitation, each column's data displayed in a combo box is separated by a single '|' character. There is no space between one column's data, the separator character, and another column's data.

Returns: SalBoolean.

PopulateList(hSql, sSelect, errorHandler)

Populates a list box or combo box with a result set. SalListPopulate overrides any settings made with SalListSetTabs. If the SELECT statement returns data from multiple columns, each column's data displayed in a list box is separated by tabs. However, due to a Microsoft Windows limitation, each column's data displayed in a combo box is separated by a single '|' character. There is no space between one column's data, the separator character, and another column's data.

Returns: SalBoolean.

PostMessage(msg, mywParam, mylParam)

Posts the specified message to a window by adding nMsg to hWndReceiver's message queue.

Returns: SalBoolean.

Promote(index, picNormal, picSelect)

Moves an item and its descendants left in the outline by making it the last sibling of the parent item.

Returns: SalBoolean.


Returns: SalNumber.

SendMessage(msg, mywParam, mylParam)

Sends the specified message to a window. SalSendMsg does not return until the processing for the message is complete.

Returns: SalNumber.

SendMessageToChildren(nMsg, nMywParam, nMylParam)

Sends a message to all child items of a form window, dialog box, table window, or MDI window.

Returns: SalBoolean.

SetColor(index, color)

Sets the color of a list item.

Returns: SalNumber.

SetContextMenu(menuName, flags)

Defines a named popup menu that displays automatically when a window receives SAM_ContextMenu.

Returns: SalBoolean.

SetContextMenu(menuType, flags)

Defines a named popup menu that displays automatically when a window receives SAM_ContextMenu.

Returns: SalBoolean.

SetCursor(resource, type)

Sets a window's cursor.

Returns: SalBoolean.

SetCursor(resourceId, type)

Sets a window's cursor.

Returns: SalBoolean.

SetCursor(blob, type)

Sets a window's cursor from a string variable.

Returns: SalBoolean.

SetCursorFile(file, type)

Sets an application-defined cursor for the specified window. Use this function to set the cursor from an image stored in a file.

Returns: SalBoolean.

SetFlags(index, flags, state)

Sets the item's flags.

Returns: SalBoolean.


Sets the focus to a specified window.

Returns: SalWindowHandle.

SetFont(name, size, enhancement)

Sets a window's font, font size, and font enhancements.

Returns: SalBoolean.

SetFont(index, hFont)

Sets the font of the list control item.

Returns: SalNumber.


Gets or sets the distance to indent each of the child tree node levels.

Returns: SalBoolean.

SetItemColor(hItem, color)

Sets the color of the outline item.

Returns: SalBoolean.

SetItemData(hItem, text, value, itemFlags)

Updates the specified item.

Returns: SalNumber.

SetItemFlags(hItem, flags, state)

Sets the item's flags.

Returns: SalBoolean.

SetItemFont(hItem, hFont)

Sets the font of the outline item.

Returns: SalBoolean.

SetItemPicture(hItem, picNormal, picSelect)

Assigns new bitmaps to the specified item.

Returns: SalBoolean.

SetItemText(hItem, text)

Sets the text of the outline item.

Returns: SalBoolean.

SetItemValue(hItem, value)

Sets the value associated to the outline item.

Returns: SalBoolean.


Sets the text of the associated label control.

Returns: SalBoolean.


Redraws entries in a list box or combo box, or prevents them from being redrawn.

Returns: SalBoolean.


Selects or deselects a combo box or single-selection list box entry.

Returns: SalBoolean.

SetListSelectedItems(nIndex, bSelect)

Selects or deselects a combo box or multiple-selection list box entry.

Returns: SalBoolean.

SetListSelectedText(nIndexStart, sText)

Finds and selects a combo box or single-selection list box entry.

Returns: SalNumber.

SetLocation(x, y)

Moves a window to a new position (x, y) on the X and Y axes.

Returns: SalBoolean.


Sets or clears the field edit flag for an editable data field, combo box, multi line text field, table window column, or picture.

Returns: SalBoolean.


Enables or disables drawing.

Returns: SalBoolean.

SetPicture(index, picNormal, picSelect)

Changes the normal and selected images for the specified item.

Returns: SalNumber.

SetProperty(name, value, length)

Sets the value of a named property.

Returns: SalBoolean.

SetSelected(node, selected)

Selects/Deselects the specified node.

SetSize(width, height)

Resizes a window.

Returns: SalBoolean.


Sets the style flags for the control.

Returns: SalBoolean.


Sets the text of a window.

Returns: SalBoolean.

SetTimer(idEvent, elapseMilliSec)

Creates a system timer for a given object. When a timer event occurs, sends SAM_Timer messages to the object in specified intervals. Timers are a limited global resource. Your application must check the value returned by SalTimerSet to verify that the timer was created.

Returns: SalBoolean.

SetWindowColor(nColorIndex, nColor)

Sets a window's color.

Returns: SalBoolean.


Expands list items up to the specified level.

Returns: SalBoolean.


Makes a window visible.

Returns: SalBoolean.


Makes a window and its associated label visible. A label is the label control that immediately precedes the window in the outline.

Returns: SalBoolean.

TrackPopupMenu(menuName, flags, x, y)

Creates pop-up menus at runtime.

Returns: SalBoolean.

TrackPopupMenu(menuType, nFlags, nX, nY)

Creates pop-up menus at runtime.

Returns: SalBoolean.


Forces the update of a window.

Returns: SalBoolean.

WinHelp(file, command, numData, strData)

Starts the Windows help system.

Returns: SalBoolean.


Processes messages for this control.



SalMessageHandler Message Actions


WindowActionsEventHandler Window Actions

Inherited By


Last updated