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Namespace: PPJ.Runtime
Assembly: PPJ.Runtime.49 (
FileStream: Returns the wrapped FileStream object.
IntPtr: Returns the handle for this SalFileHandle object
Boolean: Returns true if the file was opened in binary mode.
Boolean: Checks if this SalFileHandle object contains a null value.
Int32: Returns the last error code.
Closes a file.
Returns: Boolean. bOk
Copies the contents of one file (source) to another file (destination).
Specifies whether (TRUE) or not (FALSE) to overwrite the destination file. If the destination file already exists and bOverWrite is FALSE, then SalFileCopy fails, and returns FILE_CopyExist. If the destination file already exists and bOverWrite is TRUE, then SalFileCopy succeeds and the destination file is overwritten.
Returns: SalNumber. nStatus
Creates a directory.
Returns: SalBoolean. bOk
Returns the SalFileHandle object from the handle
Returns: SalFileHandle.
Returns the next character in an open file.
Returns: SalNumber. nChar
Returns: Boolean.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Gets the letter of the default (current) disk drive.
Returns: SalString. sDriveLetter
Returns the next line from an open file. Lines are terminated by \r\n or \r or
Returns: SalString.
Returns: Boolean.
Opens, re-opens, creates, or deletes a file.
Returns: Boolean. bOk
Opens, re-opens, creates, or deletes a file.
Returns: Boolean. bOk
Writes a character to an open file.
Returns: Boolean. bOk
Writes a string to an open file.
Returns: Boolean. bOk
Reads a buffer of characters from an open file to a string .
Returns: SalString.
Returns: SalNumber.
Returns: SalNumber.
Deletes a directory.
Returns: SalBoolean. bOk
Positions the file pointer in an open file. The next file operation (such as a read or write) takes place at this new location.
Returns: Boolean. bOk
Changes the current working directory. If the specified path does not contain a drive letter, the default drive's current directory is changed. Otherwise, the specified drive's current directory is changed and the specified drive is made the current drive.
Returns: SalBoolean. bOk
Sets the modification date and time of the specified file.
Returns: SalBoolean. bOk
Sets the current disk drive to the specified drive letter.
The new disk drive letter. The length of this parameter's value is one character.
Returns: SalBoolean. bOk
Returns the current position in an open file.
Returns: SalNumber. nPos
Writes a string to an open file.
Returns: SalNumber.
Writes a binary buffer to an open file.
Returns: SalNumber.
Converts a SalFileHandle to a number.
Writes a character to an open file.
Writes a string to an open file and appends a carriage return/line feed character to the string.
Positions the file pointer in an open file. The next file operation (such as a read or write) takes place at this new location.
Returns the current position in an open file.
Writes a string to an open file.
Returns the SalFileHandle object from the handle