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Namespace: PPJ.Runtime.Windows
Assembly: PPJ.Runtime.49 (
Table Window Control
Constructs a SalTableWindow control.
Boolean: Enables/Disables AutoEditing mode. When this mode is on, the grid automatically enters edit mode when a cell is selected. (Default: False
Boolean: Enables/Disables the excel-style filtering feature. (Default: False
Set the property UseNativeTypes to true to be able to use the type-specific filters, otherwise the filters operate on the displayed value. When using native types in conjunction with a non-standard format or an edit mask that cannot be parsed to a native value, it is possible to lose the edited value when it cannot be parsed.
Boolean: Allow row sizing. (Default: False
Int32: Fill interval for the background filler, in milliseconds.
Int32: Number of rows to load on each interval
ContextMenu: Returns/Sets the context menu to use with the cell editor control. (Default: null
ContextMenuStrip: Returns/Sets the context menu to use with the cell editor control. (Default: null
CultureInfo: Returns/Sets the culture to use for this control. (Default: null
FocusRowStyle: Default value for the FocusRowStyle property.
GetMergedRangeDelegate: GetMergedRange
Boolean: Returns true if the SalTableWindow control is embedded and the columns are owned/parented by the container.
SalTableColumn: Returns the table column object with the specified column ID. The ID is 1-based.
SalTableColumn: Returns the table column object with the specified name.
Control: Returns/Sets the label associated with this control.
Int32: Number of lines per row. (Default: 1
Boolean: is modified
SalNamedProperties: Returns the collection of named properties.
Boolean: Returns/Sets the ReadOnly flag. When the ReadOnly flag is true the entire TableWindow control cannot be edited. However, the Mouse, scrolling and the Keyboard are still active. (Default: False
RowsSizingStyle: Keeps all rows of the same height. (Default: FreeSize
Boolean: Returns or sets whether the grid tries to parse the edited value into the native type of the column. (Default: False
When using native types in conjunction with a non-standard format or an edit mask that cannot be parsed to a native value, it is possible to lose the edited value when it cannot be parsed.
Boolean: Enables or disables virtual mode. When virtual mode is on, the rows are fetched from the data source as they are scrolled into view. (Default: False
Determines whether any rows in the specified table window match certain flags. If you set flagsOn to zero (0) and flagsOff to zero (0), SalTblAnyRows returns TRUE if the table window contains any rows at all, regardless of their flags.
Returns: SalBoolean. true if any
Autosizes the specified column.
Brings a window to the top of all overlapping windows.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Centers a window. If the window is a top-level window, it centers it on the desktop. If the window is a child window, it centers it on top of its parent.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Clears a window's cursor.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Deselects all rows of a table window.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Computes the average of all column values or only specified column values in a table window.
Returns: SalNumber.
Computes the sum of all column values or only specified column values in a table window.
Returns: SalNumber.
Copies the contents of the specified table window rows to the Clipboard in text format. In the Clipboard, columns are delimited by TAB characters and rows are delimited by end-of-line characters. Set flagsOn to zero (0) and flagsOff to zero (0) to copy the entire table.
Returns: SalBoolean. bool
Creates a table window column of string data type at runtime. When you return to design mode, destroys the column.
Returns: SalNumber. Column ID
Creates a table window column of string data type at runtime. When you return to design mode, destroys the column.
Returns: SalNumber. Column ID
Creates a table window column using a given data type at runtime. Allowed types are DT_String, DT_Number and DT_DateTime
Returns: SalNumber. Column ID
Uses the specified class as a template to create a new column in a SalTableWindow.
Returns: SalTableColumn.
Defines the appearance and behavior of a table window's row header. The row header is a non-editable area on the left edge of a table window that displays information that stays displayed even when a user scrolls horizontally. A typical use of a row header is the display of row numbers.
Returns: SalBoolean. TRUE if the function succeeds and FALSE if it fails.
Splits a table window horizontally.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Deletes a row from a table window but not from the database.
Returns: SalBoolean. bool
Applies a SQL DELETE statement to all table window rows with the ROW Selected flag.
Returns: SalBoolean. bool
Applies a SQL DELETE statement to all table window rows with the ROW Selected flag.
Returns: SalBoolean. bool
Destroys all automatic columns created by SalTblCreateColumn or SalTblPopulate at runtime. This function only works on table windows that contain only automatic columns.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Destroys a form window, a top-level table window, or a modeless dialog box created with SalCreateWindow.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Disables keyboard and mouse input to a window. If the window contains text (for example, a push button), the text is grayed. If the window is a data field, it cannot receive the focus.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Disables keyboard and mouse input to a window and grays out its associated label. A label is the label control that immediately precedes the window in the outline. The label control must have a mnemonic. If the window contains text (for example, a push button), the text is grayed. If the window is a data field, it cannot receive the focus.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Applies a SQL DELETE statement to all table window rows that have nFlagsOn flags.
Returns: SalBoolean. bool
Applies a SQL DELETE statement to all table window rows that have nFlagsOn flags.
Returns: SalBoolean. bool
Applies a SQL INSERT statement to all the rows in a table window that have the ROW_New flag.
Returns: SalBoolean. bool
Applies a SQL INSERT statement to all the rows in a table window that have the ROW_New flag.
Returns: SalBoolean. bool
Applies a SQL UPDATE statement to all table window rows with the Row_Edited flag.
Returns: SalBoolean. bool
Applies a SQL UPDATE statement to all table window rows with the Row_Edited flag.
Returns: SalBoolean. bool
Enables keyboard and mouse input to a window.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Enables keyboard and mouse input to a window and enables its associated label as well. A label is the label control that immediately precedes the window in the outline.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Sends a SAM_FetchRow message to a table window if the specified row has not been already fetched.
Returns: SalNumber. Result
This function finds a child window of a given name in the specified window.
Returns: SalWindowHandle.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Dispatches the specified message (Window Actions) directly to the control's WindowActions event handlers, without going through Windows message loop.
Returns: SalNumber.
Dispatches the specified message (Window Actions) directly to the children's WindowActions event handlers, without going through Windows message loop.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Computes the number of pixels in the number of form units. Form units are a unit of measurement used by functions which move and position objects. Form units are computed using physical units (pixels) in conjunction with the window's font size.
Returns: SalNumber.
Casts the control to SalTableWindow. If the control is an instance of SalFormTableWindow, returns the inner table control.
Returns: SalTableWindow.
Return the name of a window's class as a string.
Returns: SalString.
Gets the table window column control with the specified id.
Returns: SalTableColumn. SalTableColumn
Gets the table window column control at the specified position.
Returns: SalTableColumn. SalTableColumn
Returns: SalBoolean.
Gets data from a column of a table window's context row.
Returns: SalString.
Gets the handle of a table window column.
Returns: SalWindowHandle.
Returns a table window's current context row. Before sending a SAM_FetchRow message, automatically sets the context row so that assignments made while processing the message reference the correct row.
Returns: SalNumber. Context row
Returns an object's type.
Returns: SalNumber.
Returns the handle of the first child window of the specified type. You can use this function to get the handles of MDI child windows.
Returns: SalWindowHandle.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Returns: SalNumber.
Retrieves the text of the label associated to a control. Important: The label control does not require a mnemonic for the functions listed above to operate.
Returns: SalString.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Retrieves the height of a row in lines.
Returns: SalNumber.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Retrieves the number of locked table window columns. Locked table window columns do not scroll horizontally; they are fixed to the left side of the table window. All other columns appear to scroll under the locked columns.
Returns: SalNumber. Number of locked columns
Overrides GetMergedRange to allow the SalTableWindow class to override the method.
Returns: CellRange.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Gets the name of an object.
Returns: SalString.
Returns the handle of the next child window that matches a specified type.