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Namespace: PPJ.Runtime.Vis
Assembly: PPJ.Runtime.Vis.49 (
Combo box with drop down cListView
Adds an image to control's internal ImageLists at the index specified.
Returns: SalNumber.
Aligns items on a grid.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Assigns columns to be used for 'details' view. TIP: You can reassign columns on the fly without having to repopulate the control. For instance, you can use SetItemText() to add four subitems to an item, but only assign four columns (remember: 1 item + 4 subitems = 5 columns,) thus giving you a hidden column that you can display later by assigning five columns.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Removes all items from the control.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Removes an item from control and returns count of remaining items.
Returns: SalNumber.
Ensures that an item is visible
Returns: SalBoolean.
Searches for an item by text or position.
Returns: SalNumber.
Returns the control associated with the handle.
Returns: VisListViewDropDown.
Retrieves array of all selected items and returns count.
Returns: SalNumber.
Retrieves the color used for the control's overall background.
Returns: SalNumber.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Returns: SalNumber.
Retrieves a column's text.
Returns: SalString.
Retrieves a column's width.
Returns: SalNumber.
Calculates the number of items that can fit vertically in control.
Returns: SalNumber.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Retrieves index of item with input focus.
Returns: SalNumber.
Retrieves the number of images in control. TIP: Remember that a listview defaults to one image (Windows logo) unless you remove/replace it.
Returns: SalNumber.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Retrieves the number of items in control.
Returns: SalNumber.
Retrieves the position of an item.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Retrieves the bounding rectangle for an item.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Retrieves an item's state.
Returns: SalNumber.
Retrieves an item's text.
Returns: SalString.
Retrieves an item's user data.
Returns: SalNumber.
Searches for an item by sequence, relation or state.
Returns: SalNumber.
Retrieves the current view origin for control.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Retrieves the number of selected items in control.
Returns: SalNumber.
Returns: SalNumber.
Retrieves default sort column (subitem.)
Returns: SalNumber.
Retrieves default sort order (ascending/descending)
Returns: SalNumber.
Determines the minimum column width necessary to display all of a given string.
Returns: SalNumber.
Retrieves current style bits for control.
Returns: SalNumber.
Retrieves the color used for item and subitem text background.
Returns: SalNumber.
Retrieves the color used for item and subitem text.
Returns: SalNumber.
Retrieves the index of the topmost visible item.
Returns: SalNumber.
Retrieves the bounding rectangle of all items in the control.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Returns: SalNumber.
Returns: SalNumber.
Inserts a new item into control and supplies subitem text for item. TIP: Use this instead of the InsertItem*() functions to specify items with multiple columns in one function call when you already have your data populated in an array.
Returns: SalNumber.
Inserts a new item in control, copies picture into control and uses copy for new item. TIP: You should use AddImage() & InsertDetails() where possible to avoid duplicate images being stored.
Returns: SalNumber.
Inserts a new item into control and supplies subitem text for item; also assigns user data for item.
Returns: SalNumber.
Inserts a new item into control and supplies subitem text for item; also assigns user data for item. TIP: You should use AddImage() and InsertDetailsValue() where possible to avoid duplicate images being stored.
Returns: SalNumber.
Inserts an item in control and returns index of new item or -1 if unsuccessful. TIP: Do not assume that the item you add with InsertItem() is given the index you requested; InsertItem() returns the actual index of the item added. If you insert past the upper bound of the control, your item is added to the end.
Returns: SalNumber.
Inserts a new item in control, copies picture into control and uses copy for new item. Returns index of new item or -1 if unsuccessful. TIP: You should use AddImage() and InsertItem() where possible to avoid duplicate images being stored.
Returns: SalNumber.
Inserts a new item in control and assigns user data for item. Returns index of new item or -1 if unsuccessful.
Returns: SalNumber.
Inserts a new item in control, copies picture into control and uses copy for new item. Also assigns user data for item. Returns index of new item or -1 if unsuccessful. TIP: You should use AddImage() and InsertItemValue() where possible to avoid duplicate images being stored.
Returns: SalNumber.
Removes all images from control.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Removes an image from control's internal ImageLists. TIP: All other images will shift downward when you remove an image from the control. Bear in mind that this will affect the images each item displays, since images are references by position.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Replaces an image in control's internal ImageLists.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Scrolls the contents of control.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Assigns the color used for the control's overall background.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Sets the attributes of a column.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Sets a column's text.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Sets a column's width.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Assigns focus to the specified item.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Sets an item's attributes.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Moves an item to a specified position in control.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Assigns an item's state (LVIS_Focused, LVIS_Selected, etc..)
Returns: SalBoolean.
Sets an item's or subitem's text. TIP: When using this function to assign subitem text for new items, do not assume that the item you just added with InsertItem() was given the index you requested; InsertItem() returns the actual index of the item, use that value.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Assigns an item's user data.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Assigns default column (subitem) to sort on.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Assigns default sort order (LVSORT_Ascending/LVSORT_Descending.)
Returns: SalBoolean.
Sets style bits for control.
Returns: SalNumber.
Assigns the color used for item and subitem text background.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Assigns the color used for item and subitem text.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Sorts the items based on default column (subitem) and order settings.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Tells control to display 'details' view.' This view is similar to the 'small icon' view, with the exception that subitem text is also displayed in resizeable, sortable columns to the right of the item text. NOTE: Clicking on subitem text does NOT change focus,
Returns: SalNumber.
Tells control to display 'large icons' view. This view is similar to Windows' program manager groups; a large icon is displayed with the item text underneath.
Returns: SalNumber.
Tells control to display 'list' view. This view is similar to the 'small icon' view, with the exception that rather than exceed the vertical display space, the list is broken into multiple screens, or 'columns.'
Returns: SalNumber.
Tells control to display 'small icons' view. This view is a vertical list of item text with a small icon to the left of each item.
Returns: SalNumber.