

Namespace: PPJ.Runtime.Windows

Assembly: PPJ.Runtime.49 (

Encapsulates SAL's properties for table window rows. Each FlexGrid row object is bound to an instance of this class.

public class SalTableRow


Int32: Returns the context row.

Boolean: Returns/Sets the deleted flag.

Boolean: Returns/Sets the enable flag for the row.

Boolean: Returns/Sets the fetched flag.

Int32: Returns/Sets the row flags on this row.

C1FlexGrid: Returns the grid control that contains this row.

Row: Returns the grid row object associated to this row.

SalTableColumn: Returns the column at the specified index and sets the current context row in the table window.

SalTableColumn: Returns the column with the specified name and sets the current context row in the table window.

SalTableColumn: Returns the specified column and sets the current context row in the table window.

SalTableWindow: Returns the SalTableWindow control that contains the grid that contains this row.

Boolean: Returns/Sets the selected flag.

Object: Returns/Sets a user-defined value.

Boolean: Returns/Sets the visible flag.


Returns true if the specified column has been edited.

Returns: Boolean.

Removes this row from the grid.

Sets or removes a row flag.

Sets the edited flag for the specified column.

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