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Namespace: PPJ.Runtime.Windows
Assembly: PPJ.Runtime.49 (
TreeView implementation.
Constructs a SalTreeControl object.
Control: Returns/Sets the label associated with this control.
SalNamedProperties: Returns the collection of named properties.
Boolean: Shows the root node.
Brings a window to the top of all overlapping windows.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Centers a window. If the window is a top-level window, it centers it on the desktop. If the window is a child window, it centers it on top of its parent.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Clears the value from a data field, multi line field, or table window column.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Clears a window's cursor.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Collapse a tree item. If the tree item handle is 0, then the top level tree items of the tree control are collapsed.
Handle to the tree item.
Returns: SalBoolean. TRUE if the function succeeds and FALSE if it fails.
Removes a tree item from a tree control. All child items of the tree item are also removed.
Handle to the tree item.
Returns: SalBoolean. TRUE if the item was deleted successfully.
Moves a tree item so it becomes the child of its previous sibling. This function will fail if the tree item has no previous sibling.
Handle to the tree item.
Returns: SalBoolean. TRUE if the function succeeds and FALSE if it fails.
Destroys a form window, a top-level table window, or a modeless dialog box created with SalCreateWindow.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Disables keyboard and mouse input to a window. If the window contains text (for example, a push button), the text is grayed. If the window is a data field, it cannot receive the focus.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Disables keyboard and mouse input to a window and grays out its associated label. A label is the label control that immediately precedes the window in the outline. The label control must have a mnemonic. If the window contains text (for example, a push button), the text is grayed. If the window is a data field, it cannot receive the focus.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Allows the user to edit the value of the tree item's label. SAM_Validate is sent to the tree control when the edit control loses focus with wParam indicating the handle to the tree item.
Handle to the tree item.
Returns: SalBoolean. TRUE if edit has been activated.
Enables the tree item when bEnable is true, disables the tree item when bEnable is false.
Handle to the tree item.
Set to TRUE to enable the item. Set to FALSE to disable the item.
Returns: SalBoolean. previous state of the item before this function was called. TRUE if it was enabled, FALSE if it was disabled.
Enables keyboard and mouse input to a window.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Enables keyboard and mouse input to a window and enables its associated label as well. A label is the label control that immediately precedes the window in the outline.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Expand a tree item. If the tree item handle is 0, then the top level tree items of the tree control are expanded.
Handle to the tree item.
Returns: SalBoolean. TRUE if the function succeeds and FALSE if it fails.
This function finds a child window of a given name in the specified window.
Returns: SalWindowHandle.
Finds a tree item by its Object Data. Returns 0 if not found. Searches the child items of the tree item handle argument(hItem). If the handle is 0, searches the top level tree items.
Handle to the tree item.
Data of the item to find.
Returns: SalNumber. Handle of the tree item whose Data matches the nData parameter.
Finds a tree item by its object title. Returns 0 if not found. Searches the child items of the tree item handle argument. If the handle is 0, searches the top level tree items.
Handle to the tree item.
Title of the item to find.
Returns: SalNumber. Handle of the item whose title matches the sTitle parameter.
Dispatches the specified message (Window Actions) directly to the control's WindowActions event handlers, without going through Windows message loop.
Returns: SalNumber.
Computes the number of pixels in the number of form units. Form units are a unit of measurement used by functions which move and position objects. Form units are computed using physical units (pixels) in conjunction with the window's font size.
The number of form units.
If the form units are on the X axis, set this parameter to FALSE. If the form units are on the Y axis, set this parameter to TRUE.
Returns: SalNumber.
Return the name of a window's class as a string.
Returns: SalString.
Returns an object's type.
Returns: SalNumber.
Returns a data field's or table window column's data type.
Returns: SalNumber.
Returns the handle of the first child window of the specified type. You can use this function to get the handles of MDI child windows.
One or more window types combined (using the OR (|) operator) to create a mask of child window types.
Returns: SalWindowHandle.
Gets the first child tree item of the passed tree item handle. Returns 0 if not found. If the handle is 0, returns the first child of the tree control.
Handle to the tree item.
Returns: SalNumber. Handle of the tree item.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Gets the number of child items. If the handle argument is 0, then number of first level child items is returned.
Handle to the tree item.
Returns: SalNumber. Number of items.
Returns the numeric value assigned to the tree item.
Handle to the tree item.
Returns: SalNumber. Numeric value assigned to the tree item.
Returns the handle of hItem's parent, or 0 if hItem is a top level child of the tree control.
Handle to the tree item.
Returns: SalNumber. Handle of hItem's parent.
Returns the string title of the item.
Handle to the tree item.
Returns: SalString. String title of the item.
Returns the current tooltip for the tree item.
Handle to the tree item.
Returns: SalString. Current tooltip for the tree item.
Retrieves the window handle of the label (label control) that is associated with the hWndTarget parameter. There must be a mnemonic in that label, and it must immediately precede hWndTarget in the outline, or this function will fail.
Returns: SalWindowHandle.
Returns: SalNumber.
Retrieves the text of the label associated to a control. Important: The label control does not require a mnemonic for the functions listed above to operate.
Returns: SalString.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Gets the name of an object.
Returns: SalString.
Returns the handle of the next child window that matches a specified type.
One or more window types combined (using the OR (|) operator) to create a mask of child window types.
Returns: SalWindowHandle.
Gets the next sibling tree item of the passed tree item handle. Returns 0 if there are no more sibling tree items.
Handle to the tree item.
Returns: SalNumber. Handle of the next tree item.
Returns the handle of an object's parent window.
Returns: SalWindowHandle.
Gets the previous sibling tree item of the passed tree item handle. Returns 0 if there are no more sibling items.
Handle to the tree item.
Returns: SalNumber. Handle of the previous tree item.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Gets the value of a named property.
Returns: SalString.
Returns the handle to the selected tree item, or 0 if no item is selected.
Returns: SalNumber. Handle to the selected tree item, or 0 if no item is selected.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Returns: SalNumber.
Retrieves the text of a window.
Returns: SalString.
Gets a window's color.
Returns: SalNumber.
Returns a window's current state.
Returns: SalNumber.
Hides a window.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Hides a window and its associated label.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Inserts a tree item into the tree control. The new item will be a child of hItem . If hItem is 0, the tree item is added as a top level child of the tree control. If nIndex is greater than or equal to the number of child items, or if nIndex is less than zero, the new item is appended.
Handle of the tree item which will be the parent of the new item.
Index to insert (starting at zero).
Title of the new item.
Returns: SalNumber. Handle of the newly created item.
Causes a window to be repainted.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Determines whether a window is an instance of the specified class.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Determines whether a window is enabled for mouse and keyboard input.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Returns the setting of the Field Edit Flag for a data field, multi line field, combo box, table window's context row cell, or picture.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Determines whether a window is currently visible.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Returns true if the tree item has a checkbox displayed.
Handle to the tree item.
Returns: SalBoolean. TRUE if the item has a checkbox displayed, FALSE if not.
Returns true if the item checkbox is checked. Returns false if the checkbox is not displayed.
Handle to the tree item.
Returns: SalBoolean. TRUE if the checkbox is checked. If the checkbox is not checked, or is not displayed, bIsChecked is FALSE.
Returns whether the item is expanded.
Handle to the tree item.
Returns: SalBoolean. TRUE if the item is expanded, FALSE if not.
Returns whether the item is selected.
Handle to the tree item.
Returns: SalBoolean. TRUE if the item is selected, FALSE if not.
Returns true if the tree shows checkboxes next to the items.
Returns: SalBoolean. TRUE if the items have a checkbox displayed, FALSE if not.
Destroys an object's system timer.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Moves a tree item downward. This functions fails if the tree item is the last child of its parent.
Handle to the tree item.
Returns: SalBoolean. TRUE if the function succeeds and FALSE if it fails.
Moves a tree node and all its sub-nodes to a new location in the tree control.
Handle to the tree item.
Handle to the new parent tree item.
Position in the new parents list of children to place the new child (0-n).
Returns: SalBoolean. TRUE if the function succeeds and FALSE if it fails.
Moves a tree item upward . This functions fails if the tree item is the first child of its parent.
Handle to the tree item.
Returns: SalBoolean. TRUE if the function succeeds and FALSE if it fails.
Moves a window a given number of form units on the X and Y axes relative to its current position.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Computes the number of form units based on the number of pixels. Form units are a unit of measurement used by functions that move and position objects. Form units are computed using physical units (pixels) in conjunction with a window's font sizes.
If the form units are on the X axis, set this parameter to FALSE. If the form units are on the Y axis, set this parameter to TRUE.
Returns: SalNumber.
Posts the specified message to a window by adding nMsg to hWndReceiver's message queue.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Moves a tree item so it becomes the sibling of its parent. This functions fails if the tree item has no grandparent.
Handle to the tree item.
Returns: SalBoolean. TRUE if the function succeeds and FALSE if it fails.
Clears a tree control with the option to retain or destroy design-time nodes.
TRUE = Remove all nodes. FALSE = Remove nodes created dynamically; the tree goes back to the initial state.
Returns: SalBoolean. TRUE if the function succeeds and FALSE if it does not succeed.
Sends the specified message to a window. SalSendMsg does not return until the processing for the message is complete.
Returns: SalNumber.
Sends a message to all child items of a form window, dialog box, table window, or MDI window.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Defines a named popup menu that displays automatically when a window receives SAM_ContextMenu.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Defines a named popup menu that displays automatically when a window receives SAM_ContextMenu.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Sets a window's cursor.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Sets a window's cursor.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Sets a window's cursor from a string variable.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Sets an application-defined cursor for the specified window. Use this function to set the cursor from an image stored in a file.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Sets the focus to a specified window.
Returns: SalWindowHandle.
Sets a window's font, font size, and font enhancements.