

Namespace: PPJ.Runtime

Assembly: PPJ.Runtime.49 (

SAL Boolean basic type. This is exactly the same as SalNumber. It is automatically casted to/from SalNumber.

public struct SalBoolean : ValueType, IComparable, IConvertible, IFormattable, INullable, ISalType, IXmlSerializable


Creates a new SalBoolean


Boolean: Checks if this SalBoolean object contains a null value.

Decimal: Returns the inner decimal value


  • operator for adding two SalBoolean objects

Returns: SalBoolean.

Compares two SalBoolean objects

Returns: Int32.

Compare to object

Returns: Int32.

Compare to SalBoolean

Returns: Int32.

/ operator for dividing two SalBoolean objects

Returns: SalBoolean.

  • operator for multiplying two SalBoolean objects

Returns: SalBoolean.

Negation operator.

Returns: SalBoolean.

  • operator for subtracting two SalBoolean objects

Returns: SalBoolean.

to boolean

Returns: Boolean.

to byte

Returns: Byte.

to char

Returns: Char.

to decimal

Returns: Decimal.

to double

Returns: Double.

to int16

Returns: Int16.

to int32

Returns: Int32.

to int64

Returns: Int64.

to intptr

Returns: IntPtr.

to sbyte

Returns: SByte.

to single

Returns: Single.

to uint16

Returns: UInt16.

to uint32

Returns: UInt32.

to uint64

Returns: UInt64.

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