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Namespace: PPJ.Runtime.Windows
Assembly: PPJ.Runtime.49 (
Summary description for SalTableColumn.
Constructs a new SalTableColumn. The SalTableColumn control is made invisible by moving it outside of the bounds of the parent SalTableWindow control.
Boolean: Allow Drop (Default: False
Boolean: Enables/Disables filtering on this column. (Default: False
AnchorStyles: Anchor (Default: Top, Left
Color: Returns/Sets the column's background color.
Image: Background Image (Default: null
ImageLayout: Background Image Layout (Default: Tile
Boolean: Causes Validation
Color: Returns/Sets th current cell text color
CellType: Indicates the type of control used to edit the cell. (Default: Standard
CharacterCasing: Indicates if all characters should be left alone or converted to uppercase or lowercase. (Default: Normal
CellCheckBox: Defines the behavior of the check box column.
CellComboBox: Defines the behavior of the combo box column.
CultureInfo: Returns/Sets the culture to use for this control. (Default: null
Cursor: Cursor
Control: Returns/Sets the custom editor control used to edit cells. (Default: null
DataType: Value type of the text box control. (Default: String
SalDateTime: DateTime value property.
DockStyle: Dock (Default: None
String: Indicates the edit mask to apply to the text. (Default: ""
Boolean: Enables/Disables the built-in spell checker. (Default: False
Int32: Returns/Sets the column flags on this column.
String: Format string. (Default: ""
Column: Returns/Sets the underlying flexgrid column.
Int32: Unique column id.
ImeMode: ImeMode
Boolean: Returns true if the column has been automatically created.
Boolean: Returns true if the column has been dynamically created.
Control: Returns/Sets the label associated with this control.
Point: Location
Int32: Maximum number of characters. (Default: 100
Boolean: Returns/Sets the modified flag on the current cell.
SalNamedProperties: Returns the collection of named properties.
SalNumber: Number value property.
SalTableWindow: Returns the parent SalTableWindow control.
Char: Indicates the character to display for password input. (Default: "\0"
String: Returns the text to use when displaying password-protected columns.
CellPopupBox: Defines the behavior of the popup edit column.
Int32: Column position.
Boolean: Controls whether the text in the cell can be changed. (Default: False
Boolean: RightToLeft
Boolean: Selects/Deselcts the column.
Size: Size
Column: Returns/Sets the underlying flexgrid column for the split grid.
Int32: TabIndex
Boolean: TabStop
String: Overrides the default text property to keep it in sync with the grid cell and to convert boolean values.
HorizontalAlignment: Indicates how the text should be aligned. (Default: Left
String: Column's title. (Default: ""
HorizontalAlignment: Indicates how the column header should be aligned. (Default: Center
Int32: Column Width. (Default: 80
Boolean: Indicates if lines are automatically word-wrapped for multi line cells. (Default: False
Adds a string to a list box or combo box.
Returns: SalNumber.
Computes the average of all column values or only specified column values in a table window. Use row flags constants to specify the rows to use in the computation. For example, you can choose to average only the values of modified rows.
Returns: Decimal. Average
Brings a window to the top of all overlapping windows.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Centers a window. If the window is a top-level window, it centers it on the desktop. If the window is a child window, it centers it on top of its parent.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Clears the value from a data field, multi line field, or table window column.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Clears a window's cursor.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Deletes all entries from a list box or combo box.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Define a column as a check box.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Define a column as a drop down list.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Define a column as a popup edit window.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Deletes a list box or combo box entry.
Returns: SalNumber.
Destroys a form window, a top-level table window, or a modeless dialog box created with SalCreateWindow.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Disables keyboard and mouse input to a window. If the window contains text (for example, a push button), the text is grayed. If the window is a data field, it cannot receive the focus.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Disables keyboard and mouse input to a window and grays out its associated label. A label is the label control that immediately precedes the window in the outline. The label control must have a mnemonic. If the window contains text (for example, a push button), the text is grayed. If the window is a data field, it cannot receive the focus.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Enables keyboard and mouse input to a window.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Enables keyboard and mouse input to a window and enables its associated label as well. A label is the label control that immediately precedes the window in the outline.
Returns: SalBoolean.
This function finds a child window of a given name in the specified window.
Returns: SalWindowHandle.
Dispatches the specified message (Window Actions) directly to the control's WindowActions event handlers, without going through Windows message loop.
Returns: SalNumber.
Computes the number of pixels in the number of form units. Form units are a unit of measurement used by functions which move and position objects. Form units are computed using physical units (pixels) in conjunction with the window's font size.
Returns: SalNumber.
Returns the SalTableColumn instance from the specified control.
Returns: SalTableColumn.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Indicates whether a column is a check box, drop down list, popup edit, or standard column.
Returns: SalNumber.
Return the name of a window's class as a string.
Returns: SalString.
Tests the state of a table window column's flags.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Gets a table window column's identifier.
Returns: SalNumber.
Gets a table window column's relative position.
Returns: SalNumber.
Returns: SalNumber.
Gets the title of a table window column.
Returns: SalString.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Returns the width (in form units) of a table window column.
Returns: SalNumber.
Returns an object's type.
Returns: SalNumber.
Returns the maximum length of a data field, multi line text field, or table window column.
Returns: SalNumber.
Returns a data field's or table window column's data type.
Returns: SalNumber.
Returns the handle of the first child window of the specified type. You can use this function to get the handles of MDI child windows.
Returns: SalWindowHandle.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Gets the picture format of a data field or table window column.
Returns: SalString.
Returns the current format of a data field or table window column.
Returns: SalNumber.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Copies the contents of a data field or table window column to a string. This function also lets you copy the format of the data.