

Namespace: PPJ.Runtime.Windows

Assembly: PPJ.Runtime.49 (

All Sal windows (Child windows, Forms, Dialogs and MDIs) implement this interface.

public interface ISalWindow


Object: Returns the instance that inherits this object as a second base class.

SalNamedProperties: Returns the NamedProperties collection.


Attaches all the handlers attached to the MessageActions event to the target's MessageActions event.





Returns the implementation object.

Returns: SalWindow.

Returns the windows' type.

Returns: Int32. One of the TYPE_* constants.


WindowActionsEventHandler Fired for all SAM and custom events coming from the original application. Replaces the MessageActions event.

Implemented By


Navigation Bar control (TD 6)

TreeView implementation.

ActiveX implementation.

BackgroundText implementation.

CheckBox implementation.

ComboBox implementation.

CustomControl implementation.

DataField implementation.

Frame control implementation.

General Window class. This class simply holds a list of MessageActions handlers.

GroupBox implementation.

Horizontal scrollbar implementation. This derived class adjusts the Maximum property by adding LargeChange to allow the scroll thumb to reach the end of the range. See

Line control implementation.

ListBox implementation.

Top level MDI form with ribbon.

Base class for all RibbonBar forms.

Top level form with ribbon.

MultilineField implementation.

Represents a button that the user can toggle on or off and can work in conjunction with other SalOptionButton controls.

Picture implementation.

An object that you can click (or double-click) to create an event and invoke some action.

RadioButton implementation.

UserControl adapted to support the PPJ Framework.

VerticalScrollBar implementation. This derived class adjusts the Maximum property by adding LargeChange to allow the scroll thumb to reach the end of the range. See

Summary description for SalDialogBox.

Base class for Sal forms.

Replicates SAL form's client area when accessories are enabled.

Top level table window implementation.

Replicates Team Developer's fixed toolbar.

Top level form window implementation.

Top level MDI window implementation.

Summary description for SalTableColumn.

Table Window Control

FTP Control.

HTTP Control

Tab frame window class. Instances of this class should be created as children of SalQuickTabsForm objects or SalQuickTabsDialog objects.

Dialog Box window parent of a tab frame. This class allows editing of the properties of child windows identifying their associated tab.

Form window with a tab frame. In addition to containing a built in tab frame. This class also has the smarts to manage other child windows on the form so that they can be associated with specific tabs.

Defines late bound functions in QuickTabs parent Form or Dialog Box that will be called when an event occurs in the tab control.

Specializes the generic SalQuickTabsParent class into a dialog box implementation. This class should be used when the ported code extends cQuickTabsParent directly. Using this class avoids the creation of multiple inheritance constructs.

Specializes the generic SalQuickTabsParent class into a form implementation. This class should be used when the ported code extends cQuickTabsParent directly. Using this class avoids the creation of multiple inheritance constructs.

Check box with tool tip support

Child table window with tool tip support

ComboBox with tool tip support

Data field with tool tip support

Horizontal scroll bar with tool tip support

List box with tool tip support

Multi line field with tool tip support

Option check button with tool tip support

Picture with tool tip support

Pushbutton with tool tip support

Pushbutton with tool tip support

Pushbutton with tool tip support

Pushbutton with tool tip support

Web Browser Control.

Last updated